Life Explorer Camp

A Masterpiece in the Making

Be it effective time management, visioneering or discovering one’s giftedness and blindspots, having an insightful, nurturing and positive Coach/Trainer who believes the best in their mentees is vital to be the better version of themselves. This one-of-its-kind coaching program endeavors to help students gain greater self-awareness of their strengths and unlock their higher potential.  Their sense of purpose is piqued during the modular activities to empower them to live a life of significance and wisdom. 

Students will be exposed to a multi-faceted approach of learning and put into practice a suite of Self Leadership life skills in our trademark Life Explorer Camp program. We impart to students critical knowledge that enhance their personal effectiveness holistically, that will help them gain an edge in their academic life and instill in them a purpose-driven life. The results have been life changing for students who have attended our workshops!

The group will enjoy a whale of a time as they participate in a variety of thought-provoking activities to deeper self discovery, embark on a personal awakening journey, hone their critical thinking skills and develop their emotional intelligence. Expect heaps of fun and laughter, deep reflections and plenty of aha moments, together with fellow learners! 

The 6-part Self Leadership coaching program is conducted over 7×3 hours workshops. The workshops are catered to Tweens Age 10-12 and Teens Age 13-17 for full participation in all activities. Our special highlights in our full 4-day camps include a Learn-As-You-Go Treasure Hunt and Own-Your-Power-Breakfast making session.

Time Management Skills

Time management is the process of planning one’s priorities and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities, wisely juggling with multiple demands and expectations vying for their time and energies. Good time management enables more to be completed in a shorter period of time, lowers stress, and leads to more success in life.

Time Management
Time Management
Thomas Edison

“Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose."

Richard G. Scott

“We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.”


Visioneering is the course one follows to make dreams a reality. It is the process whereby ideas and convictions take on substance, and doing everything you should to reach your life goals and fulfil your purpose in life. With warm, down-to-earth practicality and timeless principles to abide by, one can accomplish even the extraordinary in our lifetime and leaves a legacy.

What Makes Me Tick and Get Fired Up

Living a meaningful and fulfilled life involves living it out with a sense of purpose, passion, and feeding your intrinsic motivation to uncovering your innate potential. Students get to explore what makes them tick, connecting with their hearts and souls. They would learn how to take ownership of their lives and stay motivated to continue towards a path of success.

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Camp pic 4
Zig Ziglar

“Did you know that every human being is created with a purpose and that they have a responsibility to not only discover their purpose but also to fulfill it?"

brain nutrition
brain nutrition
T. Colin Campbell

"Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence. All parts are interconnected."

Master Brain Health with Right Nutrition

Genius foods for the brain can work wonders to boost memory and cognitive productivity. Campers get to understand the synergistic functions of our brains and how to choose the right brain nutrition to heal and optimize their brain health daily. They get hands-on practice to making delicious and easy-to-make power breakfast that satisfy both their visual appetite and growth and development needs, while squashing their hunger pangs.

Positive Communication Skills

Communications is a dynamic process and how you communicate can positively or negatively impact the relationships in our lives and forging of impressions on others. Students will immerse in engaging conversations and get to understand one another’s conversational strengths and blind spots to improve their listening and presentation skills.

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Maya Angelou

"I've learnt that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Personal Resilience
Personal Resilience
Hellen Keller

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."

Developing Emotional Resilience

Emotional resilience refers to one’s ability to adapt to stressful situations or crises. More resilient people are able to “roll with the punches”, anticipate and manage life’s difficulties to adapt or overcome adversity. Less resilient people have a harder time with stress and life changes, both major and minor. Students will learn to identify emotions they grapple with and apply the right approaches to manage various stressful emotions and situations, and work towards a positive outcome. 

What our hApPy Learners say about us!

Meet our FuN idea generators
& program developer team!

Lynn See

Certified Happiness Coach | Certified ACTA Trainer and Assessor | Instructional Designer | NeuroLAT Singapore Pioneer Team | Principal Consultant of Chayil Consulting
Full ACTA Accredited, IAL, SG | B.B.B.A. (HRM), RMIT, Aust | Cert. Child Psychology, NSA, US | Cert. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, NSA, US | Cert. The Science of Happiness Coach, The Berkeley Well-Being Institute, US | Cert. Quality Management Systems Audit (Training), SG | Cert. Strategic Leadership, SG | Cert. Joyful Well-Being in the Workplace, SG
Affectionately known as “Teacher Lynn”, one of her achievements includes having coached and tutored a demoralized P6 student, from D,D,E grades to A,B,B in 4 months and had him emerged as top 3 scorers in Mathematics with his outstanding improvement, through her customized motivational coaching and unique teaching methods for children. This student is now grown up and married to a lovely wife with a toddler, and closely in touch with Lynn. To date, she has dedicated her life to reaching out to close to 2,000 children and youths, from struggling kids in their studies to gifted students unlocking their higher potential, in both one-on-one or groups settings residing in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, etc.
Given her instructional designer and creative curriculum writing background, Lynn enjoys designing her own original workshop contents from scratch and running workshops for students. She has a knack in facilitating highly interactive, thought-provoking and affective activity-based programs for her participants to drive home the key messages in her workshops and camps, with tried-and-proven blended andragogy and pedagogy. Not to mention her secret sauce and original winning formula that can’t be duplicated!

To view the full bio of Lynn, please visit

Dr. Tommy Tan

Behavioral and Mindset Coach | Consulting, Mentor and Trainer | Managing Consultant of Chayil Consulting
DBA (Switzerland)
MSc HRM (Dublin) Ireland
BBus HRM (La Trobe) Australia
GDip HRM (SHRI) Singapore
Behavioural Psychology in Health Promotion Singapore | Managing Emotions, Yale University | Specialist Cert. Cognitive Behaviour Psychotherapy, Complimentary Medical Association CMA UK
Dr. Tommy is a sharp-minded and exuberant veteran trainer who not only captivates with his approachability but impacts participants with his originally designed experiential activities and affective training style. Expect heaps of laughter, fun, depth & substance in his training sessions, across Asia. He conducts the interactive parenting workshop “Nurturing Your Child’s Greatness” for outreaches. Always with a warm smile and infectious laughter exuding from his incredibly joyful spirit to both young lives and adult students as an endearing, approachable yet firm fatherly figure. 
Dr. Tommy demonstrates proficiency in various domains, encompassing project and process management, service leadership, training, curriculum development, and facilitation skills. His expertise extends to leadership development, active facilitation, instructional design, team development, coaching for performance, organizational design and development, HR consultancy, and behavorial learning techniques. Since 2020, Dr. Tommy has served as an esteemed advisory board member for Curriculum Development at the Singapore Training and Development Association (STADA).

To view the full bio of Dr. Tommy, please visit

What our hApPy Learners say about us!

Our Heartfelt Acknowledgements and Gratitude List

We would like to thank the very people, parents and students who have inspired and supported Life Explorer Camp to develop this program over the years.
Dr. Ng Meng Lek, Asia’s beloved PhD in educational psychology and innovator of NeuroLAT whose faith and dedication to his passion have been our bedrock. NeuroLAT has enabled so many students’ higher potential to be unlocked at an earlier age to excel in their academic studies and have a happier childhood. Because of your phenomenal A.I. powered cognitive program, struggling students with learning disabilities and special needs can now see hope and a future.
Mr. Goh Yeow Tin, who is the benefactor lending such invaluable practical support to NeuroLAT’s pioneer team, having been the key figure in pioneering and building Singapore’s legacy brands. Since Times Publishing days, you always patiently mentor and coach your staff to greatness like a superman father. You are our wise counsel, groomed us and gave us the opportunity to spearhead the building of the educational programs with your vision, deep wisdom and insights. If not for your decisiveness and for believing in us, NeuroLAT, Chayil Consulting and Life Explorer Camp can’t be built.
Dr. Tommy Tan, the first IAL-ACTA lecturer and assessor of Lynn. His expertise and accomplishments in the field of training and curriculum development across Asia have been exceptional. He is a father who has been mentoring his own son since a child till he becomes a 1st class honors graduate in business. Since 2022, he has joined Lynn to grow this meaningful program for students, running interactive workshops, as a veteran behavorial and mindset coach.
Edwin Choy, Director of Centre for Fathering. Countless lives are always so inspired by your powerful stories of how youths and fathers are transformed because of your relentless Asia outreaches and your dedication to your cause to nurture the lives of youths. Whenever you share on stage, off stage or on the radio station, our hearts are all stirred and feeling so proud of such a beacon of light, shining so bright on the paths of families in Singapore and beyond.  
Dr. Bhavna Khurana, a PhD Scholar in Sports Science and Nutrition, whose brilliance, support and depth of knowledge in children’s physical well-being and extraordinary life experiences as an athlete and researcher have been a pillar of strength to us. Thanks for always letting your presence felt even at London.
Patrick Lim and Jessica See, legendary trail blazers and co-founders of the Culinary Medicine Academy. As trainers, speakers and a role model mutually supportive couple, you are testament of “eating right to good health” by walking the talk. You discovered plant-based treatments to heal students with hyperactivity without side effects. Your “Genius Foods for Children” webinar and deep knowledge to heal chronic remedies have impacted countless families.
Mr. Chan Suan Liang, Managing Director of Sports Lifestyle Centre, for generously sharing your deep wisdom in people management and career experiences. You showed us how being laser-focused, having high intelligence, emotional intelligence and being steadfast to the right cause and life’s purposes can impact so many lives in Asia like you do, both in personal life and at work, so we can emulate your spirit of excellence, strong moral values and ethics.
Eric Feng, a Public Speaking Coach, and Author, who thoughtfully support and root for Lynn to pursue her passion in nurturing precious lives since 2013, even in your many anonymous ways as an unsung hero all these years. I do know it has been you, through it all, bearing up all the hardships upon your shoulders. You have proven a person’s success is not by birth, but by virtues and talents honed to excellence. You showed humility and resilience, grit and persistence in overcoming adversities through to making things happen. Your life story shows everyone what a great attitude determines our altitude means.
Ashin from MayDay Band. You are our deeply heartfelt inspiration with your par excellence and dedication bringing such wholesome impact and countless soulful messages of hope to the world with your stage presence and lovingly authentic self. Your limitless talents, brilliance and passionate intensity in how you live your life as a genius songwriter and singer let us and your fans believe we can shine with our lives to impact the world, being true to ourselves.
Audrey Wong, as a brilliant, wise and dedicated Singaporean Mum, teacher-turned-tutor and entrepreneur, who coached her children to excel and persevere till her second son scored 100/100 in Nanyang High. You are one outstanding Mum and an exemplary role model for Singapore community of parents to follow. Your family of educators proved to every parent what perseverance and a never giving up spirit as parents can achieve for the best of their children.
Mrs Yue Yoke Mun, Lynn’s Secondary Form Teacher who was thereafter appointed the Principal of Raffles Girls’ School. You showed the class what being an extraordinary and unforgettable teacher is, with your wisdom and great loving heart towards us. I am most privileged and honored to have you as my teacher.
My courageous and adorable niece, who showed the family how a life from a preschooler to a teen should be led through her decisions, good habits, strong physique, curiosity and determination. You are a voice of reason and cheerleader rooting for both her peers and adults decades older than her. My artistically gifted, kind and witty nephew, who approached me at age 10 to ask me to help him find his purpose in life. He sparked off Life Explorer Camp’s purpose.
Last but not least, all our parents and friends who have been rooting for us. Every goodness Life Explorer Camp brings is dedicated for your child’s success!

All printed materials and electronic copies for our Self-Leadership Workshops are protected by the copyrights and intellectual property rights of Life Explorer Camp. Life Explorer Camp is a legally registered trademark in Singapore, managed by Chayil Consulting. The distribution or use of Life Explorer Camp materials without the prior written consent of Chayil Consulting is strictly prohibited.